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Everything about LSD

- LSD Usage Advice

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Here you will get a brief introduction about the most important Information correlated to LSD and its usage. Please read through carefully – you will be definitely rewarded with important knowledge!

Even though we educate about LSD here, we clearly differentiate between the well-known drug LSD and the less researched research chemicals from the LSD substance group. 

All substances that we distribute on fairlsd.com are NOT suitable for consumption and are strictly available for research purposes. 

Due to the structural similarity to LSD, we still want to educate about LSD. 

We believe that the use of any psychedelic should be accompanied by a perspective of information, responsibility and understanding. We love your safety!

What is LSD?

LSD is a type of psychedelic substance. Such substances trigger changes in perception and thinking, often amplifying sensory awareness, yet reducing one's control over the experience.

What are the derivatives?

LSD derivatives refer to chemical compounds that are structurally similar to the classic psychedelic substance, LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide). These analogs might exhibit similar properties to LSD due to their shared core structure, but they can possess unique characteristics due to variations in their molecular composition. Some known LSD analogs include 1P-LSD,1D-AL-LAD, 1D-LSD. However, these substances are strictly available for research purposes. 

Effects of using LSD:

LSD is a psychedelic hallucinogen. Psychedelic hallucinogens induce states of altered perception and thought, frequently with heightened awareness of sensory input but with diminished control over what is being experienced.

Table of Contents


LSD, also known as lysergic acid diethylamide, is not only one of the most potent psychoactive substances ever discovered, but also one of the most controversial and debated. The introduction to LSD should not only provide an understanding of its effects, but also shed light on the cultural, historical and social context in which it emerged and spread.

History and discovery of LSD

Albert Hofmann, a Swiss chemist, stumbled across the compound LSD-25 by chance in 1938 while working at Sandoz Laboratories, unaware of the revolutionary discovery. It was not until five years later, in 1943, that Hofmann discovered the psychoactive properties of LSD when he accidentally absorbed a small amount. Subsequent self-experiments revealed the drug’s powerful and profound effect on human consciousness.

In the 1950s and 1960s, LSD experienced a wave of interest from medical professionals and psychotherapists who saw the potential for its use in the treatment of mental disorders. At the same time, however, it was also taken up by artists, musicians and activists, leading to an explosion of use in the counterculture.

Main fields and regions of application

In the first years after its discovery, LSD was mainly used in therapeutic contexts. Psychotherapists and researchers were fascinated by the drug’s ability to provide access to previously unreachable levels of consciousness. It was used in a variety of therapeutic settings, from the treatment of alcoholism to experimental therapies for schizophrenia.

At the same time, the use of LSD spread in artistic and intellectual circles, with many reporting the profound insights and experiences they had gained from consuming the substance. In the 1960s, LSD became a hallmark of the counterculture, especially in the US and Europe. It became popular in both urban centres and rural communities, and its use was often associated with music, art and social activism.


-Pharmacology of LSD-

The pharmacology of LSD is fascinating and complex. This chapter looks at the chemical structure of LSD, its mechanism of action in the brain, how the body metabolises and excretes it, and issues of dosage and duration of action.

Chemical structure and derivatives

Lysergic acid diethylamide, better known as LSD, is a derivative of lysergic acid found in certain fungi such as ergot. Its chemical structure is similar to other molecules found in the human body and in nature, which may explain its particular interactions with the human brain. In addition, there are a number of derivatives and analogues of LSD that have slightly modified structures and possibly different effects.

Mechanism of action in the brain

LSD acts mainly by binding to serotonin receptors in the brain, especially the 5-HT2A receptor. This binding is crucial for the hallucinogenic effects of many substances. Besides LSD, other psychoactive substances bind to the 5-HT2A receptor, including psilocybin (from magic mushrooms), DMT (from various plants and the animal kingdom) and mescaline (from the peyote cactus). The binding of LSD and related molecules to this receptor modulates neuronal activity and leads to a cascade of neurochemical and electrical changes that cause the drug’s characteristic hallucinogenic effects. LSD is thought to affect the way different brain regions communicate with each other, leading to increased connectivity and synchronised activity.

Metabolism and excretion

After ingestion, LSD is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and distributed in the blood. It is metabolised mainly in the liver, producing various metabolites. Excretion of LSD and its metabolites occurs mainly in the urine. Despite its potent effects, LSD is only detectable in the body for a relatively short period of time. In fact, LSD is usually detectable in the blood for only a few hours to a day, while its metabolites can be detectable in the urine for up to 2-5 days. It is important to emphasise that detectability also depends on the dose consumed, individual metabolism and other factors.

Dosage and duration of action

The effect of LSD is strongly dose-dependent, whereby even small amounts (in the microgram range) can cause significant psychoactive effects. The duration of effect depends on the dose, but is typically between 8 and 12 hours. It is important to note that individual differences, such as body weight, metabolic rate and sensitivity, can affect the effects and duration.

 For more information, see our safer use guide.

-LSD derivatives: discovery, effects and applications-

Origin and history of LSD derivatives

While LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) has become well known for its intense psychotropic effects and its role in culture and medicine, chemists and researchers have developed a number of derivatives and analogues over the years to explore different effect profiles and therapeutic possibilities. These derivatives were created in both scientific and illicit drug laboratories, often in an effort to create substances with similar yet different properties to LSD or to circumvent existing laws.

Chemical structure and differences to LSD

The basic structure of LSD offers many possibilities for chemical modifications. Changes to certain parts of the LSD molecule can create new compounds with different properties. Some of these derivatives may have stronger or weaker potency, shorter or longer duration of action, or other qualitative differences in experience. Examples of LSD derivatives are ALD-52, ETH-LAD or 1P-LSD & 1D-LSD. Each of these derivatives has specific chemical attachments or modifications that distinguish it from classic LSD.

Effective profile and areas of application

The differences in chemical structure between LSD and its derivatives can lead to variations in effect profile. For example, one derivative might have a less intense visual effect but stronger emotional or introspective qualities. Some derivatives might prove more beneficial in psychotherapeutic use, while others might be used more in recreational contexts. However, understanding the specific effects, potencies and duration of these derivatives is still the subject of current research, and many of the properties are based on anecdotal reports.

Risks and side effects of derivatives

As with LSD itself, derivatives come with a set of risks and side effects. Although the side effects can be similar in many cases (e.g. increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, confusion), certain derivatives might carry specific risks that are not present with classic LSD. In addition, the illicit markets can often contain impurities, further increasing the risks. Responsible and informed handling of these substances is therefore of utmost importance.

In conclusion, the world of LSD derivatives is an exciting field of psychedelic research that holds both great potential and challenges. It is important to understand both the therapeutic possibilities and the risks of these compounds to ensure that they can be used both safely and effectively.

-Medical application of LSD: possibilities, potential and risks-

LSD, short for lysergic acid diethylamide, is not only known for its intense psychoactive effects, but also for its remarkable therapeutic potential. Soon after its discovery in the 1930s, researchers and therapists began to investigate the medical applications of LSD.

LSD in psychotherapy

In the 1950s and 1960s, LSD was used in psychotherapeutic settings, with therapists recognising its potential to treat various mental illnesses. In particular, LSD showed promising results in the treatment of alcoholism, anxiety disorders, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. It enabled patients to address deep-rooted emotional problems and trauma, and often offered intense insights that fostered therapeutic breakthroughs.

Potential therapeutic applications

With the revival of interest in psychedelic research in recent decades, studies have shown that LSD could be useful in treating a variety of disorders. Clinical trials have found it to be particularly useful in alleviating the symptoms of patients with terminal illnesses and helping them cope with impending death. These studies have also found reduced anxiety and improved quality of life in these patients.

Risks and side effects

Although the medical applications of LSD appear promising, the substance does not come without risks. Side effects can include hallucinations, paranoia, anxiety and disorientation. There is also the risk of a “bad trip”, which can lead to long-lasting psychological problems. In addition, although rare, there is a risk of developing hallucinogen persistent perceptual disorder (HPPD), in which sufferers continue to experience visual disturbances long after the effects of LSD have worn off.

But it is important to note that in a controlled, therapeutic environment, many of these risks can be minimised. With proper guidance and support, the therapeutic use of LSD can be safe and highly effective.

Final thoughts

While LSD has been known in the past mainly for its counterculture use and psychoactive properties, its medical potential is becoming increasingly apparent. With continued research and clinical trials, we may be on the verge of a revolution in psychotherapeutic treatment, with LSD and other psychedelics playing a central role.

-LSD and its influence on society: a social science review-

If you look at the history of the second half of the 20th century, you will find that few substances have had as profound an impact on society as LSD. From the counterculture of the 1960s to media representation, LSD has shaped Western culture in many ways.

LSD and the counterculture of the 1960s

The emergence of LSD in the 1960s coincided with a time of social and political upheaval. It quickly became the focal point of the youth movement and influenced music, art and social norms.

The Hippy Movement

The hippy movement, which preached peace, love and a deeper understanding of the self, saw LSD as a tool for expanding consciousness and achieving spiritual enlightenment. Communities like the one in San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury became centres of LSD consumption, where thousands of young people gathered to “get off” and explore new ways of living together.

Music and Art

Artists and musicians such as The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix and The Grateful Dead drew inspiration from their experiences with LSD and reflected it in their music and art. This in turn influenced generations of fans and created a cultural renaissance that focused heavily on self-exploration and experimentation.

Social perception and media representation

The media had an ambivalent relationship with LSD. On the one hand, there was a fascination with the bizarre and often colourful experiences of those who used the drug. On the other hand, LSD was often demonised and portrayed as dangerous, especially in response to negative incidents or abuse. Media coverage has undoubtedly helped shape public opinion about LSD and its users.

Legal situation and control

Faced with the growing popularity of LSD and the social challenges it poses, governments around the world have responded by making the substance illegal. These measures, often taken in response to media hysteria, led to decades of stalled research on LSD and neglect of its therapeutic potential.


LSD is not just a chemical compound; it is a cultural phenomenon that has shaped generations. Its influence extends from art to politics to science. By understanding how LSD has influenced society, one can also better understand the deeper currents of social change in the 20th century.

-Current trends in LSD use and research-

The 21st century has seen a remarkable renaissance in the research and use of LSD. After decades of stigmatisation and strict regulation, we are now witnessing a phase in which both the scientific community and the public are once again recognising and re-evaluating the potential of LSD.

Renaissance in scientific research

After LSD was largely banned from scientific research in the 1970s due to abuse and political movements, the 21st century has seen a revival of clinical trials and scientific investigations into LSD. State-of-the-art imaging techniques, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), have given researchers insights into how LSD affects the human brain. Recent studies have shed light on the potential of LSD in the treatment of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental illnesses.

Microdosing and its supporters

Microdosing refers to the practice of consuming very small amounts of psychedelic substances, well below the threshold for hallucinogenic effects. Many users report increased creativity, improved mood and enhanced cognitive performance. While anecdotal reports celebrate microdosing, scientific research into the practice is still in its infancy. Nevertheless, it is becoming increasingly popular and is being applied in a variety of professional fields, from technology start-ups to creative industries.

Community LSD ceremonies and retreats

In parallel with scientific research and individual microdosing practices, there has also been a rise in community LSD ceremonies and retreats. Inspired by traditional shamanic practices, these retreats often offer a guided, ritualised experience with LSD in a supportive environment. They are an opportunity for many people to gain personal insight, work through deep-seated trauma or experience spiritual awakenings.


Current trends around LSD show a growing interest and re-evaluation of its role in therapy, personal development and culture. With increasing acceptance and further scientific research, we may just be on the cusp of what LSD can offer modern society. It will be exciting to see how society’s relationship with this powerful substance evolves in the years to come.

-Shamanism and psychoactive natural substances: A deep dive-

For millennia, indigenous communities around the world have used psychoactive substances as tools for spiritual exploration, healing and community building. This section explores traditional shamanism and its relationship to psychoactive substances, particularly in comparison to LSD.

Traditional shamanism and its role

Shamans, often considered spiritual guides or healers within their communities, use a variety of techniques and tools to enter altered states of consciousness. Their main aim is often to mediate between the physical and spiritual worlds, to bring healing or to gain spiritual insights. A common method to achieve these altered states is the use of psychoactive plants and mushrooms.

Comparison between LSD and traditional psychoactive plants and mushrooms

While LSD is a synthetic molecule, there are many plants and mushrooms with similarly profound psychoactive effects. These include ayahuasca, an Amazonian brew that contains DMT, peyote, a cactus that contains mescaline, and psilocybin mushrooms. While the specific effects and cultural contexts vary, there are many parallels in terms of the experiences of self-discovery, death and rebirth, and connection to the divine or spiritual.

Historical and cultural significance of psychoactive substances in shamanism

Psychoactive substances are deeply rooted in the cultural and spiritual practices of many indigenous communities. For the Shipibo-Conibo in the Amazon, ayahuasca is not only a therapeutic tool, but also a means of spiritual exploration and community building. Similarly, peyote is used in North American Native Church ceremonies. However, these traditions are not only spiritual or therapeutic tools; they are also ways in which these communities communicate their history, ethics and worldviews.

Modern interpretations and integration of shamanic practices

In the modern Western world, many people have shown a growing interest in shamanic practices and traditions. Retreats offering ayahuasca ceremonies in South America or psilocybin retreats in countries where it is legal have gained popularity. At the same time, there has also been criticism, especially regarding cultural appropriation and the commercialisation of sacred practices.


Shamanism, in all its many forms and practices, offers a fascinating insight into how people have sought to understand and navigate the deeper mysteries of life through the ages. Comparing and understanding the role of LSD in the context of these ancient traditions can help us to see our own relationship to psychoactives and spirituality in a broader, global context.

-Critical considerations of LSD-

While the benefits and potential therapeutic applications of LSD are widely discussed and studied, it is equally important to recognise and address the critical aspects and potential challenges associated with the substance.

Ethics of LSD use

The use of LSD – especially in therapeutic or research settings – raises ethical questions. How do we ensure that participants in clinical trials are truly informed and give informed consent, especially given the profound and often unpredictable experiences LSD can trigger? If LSD is used as a therapeutic agent, how can we ensure that patients are not unduly influenced or manipulated, especially in such a suggestible state?

Risks of abuse and potential for dependence

Although LSD has a low dependence potential compared to many other drugs, there are still risks associated with abuse. Excessive or inappropriate use can lead to psychological problems, dissociative states or dangerous behaviour. Careful screening and monitoring of individuals taking LSD – whether in clinical, therapeutic or recreational settings – is critical.

The Challenge of Set and Setting

“Set” and “setting” refer to a person’s psychological state and the environment in which they take a drug. The importance of set and setting when taking LSD cannot be overstated. A positive attitude and a safe, supportive environment can make the difference between an enriching, therapeutic experience and a traumatic nightmare. The need to ensure the right set and setting is a challenge for the wider acceptance and use of LSD, especially outside of controlled clinical or therapeutic settings.

 More information can be found on our Safer Use page


While the use of LSD offers remarkable potential in therapeutic and personal applications, these potential benefits must be carefully weighed against the ethical concerns and practical risks that its use entails. A conscious, respectful and informed approach is essential to get the most out of what LSD can offer while minimising the risks associated with its use. 

-Outlook: LSD in the context of future developments-

The 20th and early 21st centuries have seen a renaissance in the perception and use of LSD, both in medical and social contexts. But what will the future hold for this powerful substance? The following section highlights the possible directions and challenges ahead.

Potential future medical applications

Preliminary research findings over the past few decades suggest that LSD has enormous potential in the treatment of various mental illnesses, from depression and anxiety to post-traumatic stress disorder and addiction. With further research and greater acceptance of psychedelics in the medical community, future applications could become even more diverse. There is also the possibility that with further research we could develop more specific derivatives or dosage forms of LSD tailored to specific disorders or symptoms.

Social developments and future challenges

As LSD becomes more accepted as a therapeutic tool and cultural phenomenon, societal views on the substance may continue to undergo change. There could be broader decriminalisation or even legalisation in various countries, similar to the movements we have seen with cannabis. However, this will certainly come with debates and challenges around regulation, safety and education. It is crucial that both proponents and critics of LSD engage in constructive dialogue to ensure that potential benefits are maximised and risks minimised.


The future landscape of LSD looks both promising and challenging. As medical and social acceptance grows, it will be essential that we continue to look critically and ethically at the substance. It is the responsibility of both the research community and the public to ensure that the next phase in LSD’s history is one of enlightenment, respect and the pursuit of genuine human well-being.

-Summary and conclusion on LSD-


Lysergic acid diethylamide, better known as LSD, is a complex and multifaceted substance that has found both supporters and critics over the decades. Its discovery in the 1930s led to intense periods of research and experimentation in the 1950s and 1960s. It played a key role in the counterculture of the 1960s, influencing music, art and social norms. In the following decades, LSD was banned in most countries, which made scientific research difficult. However, the 21st century has seen a renaissance in the research and use of LSD, especially in a therapeutic context.


LSD is undeniably a powerful tool that has the potential to expand our understanding of consciousness, healing and the human experience. Research has shown that, when used properly, it can provide therapeutic benefits, especially for patients who otherwise do not respond to conventional treatments.

However, as with many powerful tools, LSD also comes with risks. The importance of set, setting and expert guidance cannot be overstated. Likewise, it is imperative that we continue to bring ethical considerations to the forefront when thinking about how LSD can be used in modern society.

LSD’s legacy is diverse and complex, and its future is still unwritten. It is up to us – researchers, therapists, policy makers and citizens – to ensure that we are aware of the full range of its possibilities and challenges, and that we make decisions that put the good of humanity at the centre.


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